Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

It has been a long day but enjoyable.I started the day by cooking 2 turkeys,rolls and fudge ,that I did not get made before Xmas.I had planned on making chocolates ,but just did not have time to make them.It has been a tradition for years.I will make them between now and New Years.
There were 22 family members for dinner.We are lucky to have our family all here in Nova Scotia,except for four,2 in Nfld,1 in Alberta and the other is in B.C.They were one of the lucky ones that made it home before Xmas,with all the cancellations,by the airlines because of the weather.
Everyone enjoyed the meal and exchange of gifts and have returned home .It was nice weather for travelling.
Watch for my chocolate recipe .Will post it tomorrow


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, Phyllis! It's really nice of you to share your life in Nova Scotia with those of us who are far away from the ocean. I've had great fun with my blog, and, if I knew how to do it, I'd suggest we link our blogs - then we could see what different lives rughookers live!
    Phyllis, in Michigan

  2. I found your blog searching "making chocolates" online. You may be interested in a how to DVD sold at

  3. Hello Phyllis in Michigan,I am new to this blogging and not sure yet how to add bloggers to my site.
    Phyllis in Nova Scotia

  4. Buie,I will check the site out.Thanks
    Phyllis in Nova Scotia


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